07904 262138 marc@speechmarc.co.uk

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CALL OR WHATSAPP 07904 262138

Helping you build your communication skills and confidence!

  • Public Speaking Coach Marc will help you
  • Build better communication skills
  • Hone your presentation technique
  • Get ready to ace job interviews
  • Become more persuasive 
  • Get your voice heard in meetings

Public speaking coach Marc will help you become more confident!

Now is the time to take your career to the next level.

Click below to contact Marc your Public Speaking Coach or call/message

07904 262138

Public Speaking Coach - Marc Lemezma

Public Speaking Coach – Marc Lemezma

Do I Need A Public Speaking Coach?

Do you get anxious when you’re asked to speak at meetings or when with senior managers?

The fear of Public Speaking and anxiety about performing in meetings holds back so many people like you from success.

Effective spoken communication is the key skill you need to succeed in business – Public Speaking Coach Marc Lemezma  will help you:-

  • Overcome The Fear Of Public Speaking
  • Deliver Powerful & Authentic Speeches
  • Create Presentations That Motivate & Inspire
  • Develop Your Vocal Performance
  • Build Clarity & Confidence In Your Voice
  • Persuade and Influence others with your voice
  • Grow  Confidence to perform in meetings

…and much more!

You too can be a great speaker!

Public Speaking Coach Marc Lemezma Will Make You A Better Speaker


Public Speaking Coach

Building your confidence and competence as a speaker for business is essential because a weak voice dampens the effectiveness of your speech. Furthermore, your success in meetings can be impaired.   Marc Lemezma, Public Speaking Coach provides Speech coaching, vocal coaching and Voice Coaching that unlocks the key to success!


Available For Comment

A regular contributor to BBC TV & Radio and other media, Marc is available to speak on communications, customer service and team motivation. You know Marc can add value to your programme because he is a great speaker and a world-class entertainer. 

Presentation Skills Coach

Break the mould and take your business presentation to the next level, because speaking is a core business skill. Public Speaking Coach Marc Lemezma will guide you through the process of speaking, which means you can build your abilities at your own pace. Starting with confidence and leading to true vocal mastery.

Keynote Speaker

Educate, motivate and inspire your team with inspirational ideas from Keynote Speaker and Presenter – Marc Lemezma. Have a crucial presentation to deliver for your business but can’t make it work because you don’t have the time or experience? Marc will present on your behalf and give your company the edge.

Breaking Bad

Even the most experienced speakers or presenters can lose their edge and develop bad habits that become a barrier to achieving their goals. This because accepted standards change over time. Furthermore, without the right guidance, simple mistakes can grow into annoying speaking errors.  Marc helps reset and retune the skill set, putting you back on the path to success.

Client Testimonials for Public Speaking Coach Marc Lemezma

Marc is an accomplished speaker, confident entertainer and skilled word smith. He is a consummate professional and has been a valuable presence at the events where we’ve worked together.
Richard Collins

TV Producer & Commentator

Marc has a very unique gift as a coach – he is exceptionally tuned into people and as such can achieve phenomenal results in a relatively short time.
Marianne Dunn

Head of HR UK and Europe, Amdipharm Mercury

I really enjoyed talking to Marc and got some great insight into what needed improvement. Marc is an outstanding coach, I would recommend Speechmarc with confidence to assist any person in achieving their goals.

Eli Kraus

Managing Director , Kraus Kitchens

Public Speaking Coach Marc Lemezma will transform the way you communicate forever. To learn more about public speaking coaching, voice coaching, vocal coaching  or to have him speak at your corporate event or product launch, please use the form below to get in touch or call direct on 08000 197471.

Marc Says

Effective communication is the key to success in business.

Leaders & Entrepreneurs who work with me gain the confidence to manage themselves and the way they react to their environment more effectively – so they can position themselves to achieve the success they deserve It takes commitment, it takes insight, it even takes a degree of bravery to make it work. Still, the principles are simple, straightforward and easy to understand.

When you take that key, unlock those ideas and put them to work for you. 

That’s when real change happens!


With over 25 years experience presenting and speaking across the globe, Presenter & Speaker Marc Lemezma has a unique insight into what works and what  lets you down!

Below you’ll find a selection of public speaking tips, communications skills advice and general presentation ideas to make your work and social life a little less uncomfortable and a lot more effective. Use the arrows to navigate or contact Marc with the form below for personalised advice and assistance.

One Lump Or Two? The Communication Secrets Lurking in your Tea-Cup!

The Immeasurable Power Of The Humble Cuppa In Business Relationships. If you stop sharing tea with your colleagues, you might as well stick your fingers in your ears and close your eyes to the world! The key to success in business is effective communication, and...

Public Speaking – The Naked Truth

Imagine an auditorium full of naked people sitting in front of you. Go on, do it right now! Depending on your state of mind and upbringing, you'll either be feeling somewhat amused, slightly queasy or perhaps a tad jealous of somebody in the front row. Putting those...

Public Speaking Tips – Questions Bloody Questions!

Questions can sometimes throw even the most experienced speaker off balance when giving a presentation. It is important to remember they are a positive sign of audience engagement. Here is a very quick public speaking tip on dealing with questions. Do you need to...

Public Speaking Tips – Using Visual Aids

Visual aids can make or break a presentation. Many inexperienced speakers take far too long to decide on which tools to use and which template to deploy... Follow this simple simple simple advice and move forward faster! Do you need to improve your public speaking or...

Public Speaking 6,000 Reasons Why You Need To Do Better

Wakey Wakey Have you ever found yourself getting bored and nodding off while watching a speaker waffle and drone on and on? Perhaps you took a sneaky peek at your smartphone when you thought no one was looking. Go on; you can share your guilty secret. Trust me; I...

Speaking tip – Don’t be in the Shadows

Don't Hide in the shadows... I’m not for a moment suggesting anything to do with lighting. Let’s think about your posture and body movements when speaking in public. If you’re not familiar with “The Shadows”, a guitar group from the 1960s,  I suggest you look them up...

Public Speaking Tip – Love Your Audience

When Communicating The Simplest Emotions Can Have The Greatest Impact   Here’s a very brief yet meaningful public speaking tip, written up in time for Valentines Day 2016. I have a challenge for you, one that sounds simple – although I realise it might seem like...

Public Speaking Advice – Keep It Fresh!

Keeping refreshed when speaking is essential. Knowing what to drink to optimise your performance is useful. Here Marc shares some sage advice Do you need to improve your public speaking or presentation skills? Marc offers personalised and group coaching to those who...

Do you need to improve your public speaking or presentation skills? 

Use the form below to get in touch, or call 07904 262138 to discuss how you can become a more persuasive communicator

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