by Marc | Feb 9, 2016 | Public Speaking and Communication Tips and Advice
Don’t Hide in the shadows… I’m not for a moment suggesting anything to do with lighting. Let’s think about your posture and body movements when speaking in public. If you’re not familiar with “The Shadows”, a guitar group from the 1960s, I suggest you...
by Marc | Feb 9, 2016 | Public Speaking and Communication Tips and Advice
The Immeasurable Power Of The Humble Cuppa In Business Relationships. If you stop sharing tea with your colleagues, you might as well stick your fingers in your ears and close your eyes to the world! The key to success in business is effective communication, and...
by Marc | Feb 9, 2016 | Public Speaking and Communication Tips and Advice
When Communicating The Simplest Emotions Can Have The Greatest Impact Here’s a very brief yet meaningful public speaking tip, written up in time for Valentines Day 2016. I have a challenge for you, one that sounds simple – although I realise it might seem like...
by Marc | Feb 9, 2016 | Public Speaking and Communication Tips and Advice
Wakey Wakey Have you ever found yourself getting bored and nodding off while watching a speaker waffle and drone on and on? Perhaps you took a sneaky peek at your smartphone when you thought no one was looking. Go on; you can share your guilty secret. Trust me; I...
by Marc | Feb 9, 2016 | Public Speaking and Communication Tips and Advice
Imagine an auditorium full of naked people sitting in front of you. Go on, do it right now! Depending on your state of mind and upbringing, you’ll either be feeling somewhat amused, slightly queasy or perhaps a tad jealous of somebody in the front row. Putting...
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