When Communicating The Simplest Emotions Can Have The Greatest Impact


Here’s a very brief yet meaningful public speaking tip, written up in time for Valentines Day 2016.

I have a challenge for you, one that sounds simple – although I realise it might seem like a huge mountain to climb.

I can sum it up in three words.


As you will have heard me say many times, great communication is fuelled by rapport.

Your audience, the people who you find yourself addressing, want to love you.

They have asked you to speak, they have made arrangements for you, they will sometimes even have paid to listen to you.

They have given their time, their valuable time, to sit down and pay attention to what you have to say.

These people have made a leap of faith – faith in you!

Take that same scary step and realise you love them too.

Once you believe that – the results will be incredible!

Marc can help make you and your team more effective communicators. He is available for group or individual coaching or to speak at your event.

Do you need to improve your public speaking or presentation skills? Marc offers personalised and group coaching to those who need to develop confident and effective speaking for work.

Hypnotherapy and other techniques to help with anxiety, fear, addictions and other life issues, is also available. Please get in touch for more details.

Use the form below to get in touch, or call 07904 262138 to discuss how you can become a more persuasive communicator.

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