Voice Coach
A confident and clear presence is essential for your success in business.
Voice Coach Marc Lemezma will help you find your true voice. What’s more, he will do that while still allowing the real you to shine through.
Why? Because you need the ability to make yourself heard, deal with questions and objections and get your point across in everything from team meetings to client pitches.
So many people, like you, in business, worry about their speaking voice, which means they become less effective at work. This can also lead to their careers being held back – vocal coach Marc will transform the way you speak..
Do any of the following situations resonate with you?
Is your day-to-day conversation is affected by a lack of vocal clarity…
Perhaps your voice lacks power or authority…
Do you have a regional accent or minor impediment that prevents you from making yourself heard…
You might your find yourself running out of breath when you speak – or you feel your mouth drying up.
All these issues diminish your confidence and hold you back from success when presenting, in meetings, or just in your daily working life. This leads to feelings of anxiety and increased stress.
The good news is these problems can be easily overcome with the help of Voice Coaching
Voice Coach Marc Lemezma
Marc has helped thousands of people find their voice and therefore become more productive at work and life during the last 20 years.
Depending on your particular needs, vocal coach Kent Marc will help you to:-
Build confidence, because when you can keep calm, you can shine.
Work on breath control, meaning your voice will be clear and consistent
Work on the sound and tone of your voice, which means it will be interesting and clearly understood.
Soften strong accents, which means you can be understood, while retaining your character and respecting your heritage
Understand how to prepare for meetings and presentations, meaning you always know the right thing to say.
Deal with questions confidently, which means you’ll never be left embarrassed or stumped.
Voice Coach in Kent Marc offers voice coaching to help you eliminate your limitations and improve:-
- Breath control – leading to power and clarity
- Posture and stance – improving confidence
- Pronunciation and enunciation – bringing greater comprehension
- Pausing and modulation – leading to enhanced memorability
Voice Coach Marc is available to meet you at your office, home or his rooms in Maidstone, Kent.
Voice Coach Marc is also happy to meet at any suitable location that suits you.
The help you need to develop your voice and build your business success is available now.
Get In Touch using the form below or call 07904 262138 for a confidential, no-obligation conversation.
If you need help or advice from a Public Speaking Coach click here.
Do you need to improve your public speaking or presentation skills? Marc offers personalised and group coaching to those who need to develop confident and effective speaking for work.
Hypnotherapy and other techniques to help with anxiety, fear, addictions and other life issues, is also available. Please get in touch for more details.
Use the form below to get in touch, or call 07904 262138 to discuss how you can become a more persuasive communicator.
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